Best Mom Medicine #BestLittleLaugh

Best Mom Medicine #BestLittleLaugh

Music Class

After the shower I felt so good to finally have ten minutes of kid free time. I walked down the stairs and was told by my two-year-old that it is music class time. I have to sit and listen to what they were about to do. My baby is to her left and Ernie is to her right. My husband shows me this picture of how she began the class. I bite my lip from the laughter and pure joy in seeing Big Sister conduct the class. After all the sleep deprived hours and dirty diapers there’s nothing better than your kids bringing you joy and laughter.

It is moments like these that remind me I need to laugh a little more. The diapers go away, the kids grow older and all we will be left with is memories and pictures.

The little laughs turn out to be the best medicine because laughter is better than crying.

What makes you your children go into that hysterical laughter? The kind that you just can’t help but join in on giggles.

Fisher-Price is very excited about the launch of the new Laugh and Learn site! This is a fun place at the webpage which offers webisodes, fun games and activities, a place where you and your kids can meet the laugh and learn characters, enjoy fun apps and learn about what’s new and upcoming from Fisher Price.

We love this site as my girls grow computer-savvy. We can play and learn together while being safe online.

Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price blogger campaign with mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as my part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

FP BLL Logo 2013