5 Reasons why having a Hysterectomy was a Good Thing


Early this summer I had to go in for urgent surgery, a hysterectomy. Here is why it was the best thing for me.

Family History

For once, my family history made me a priority when my periods became erratic. I have suffered from endometriosis since I was a teen. It slowed down during my two pregnancies. Last Christmas it picked up speed painfully. It got to the point I wasn’t able to leave the house or be a present mom.

What They Found

After waiting for the best OBGYN in town for months, she sent me for test. Thankfully, I got in quickly. At that time, several fibroid tumors and one polyp was found in my uterus. Surgery was scheduled 5 weeks from the original testing date. There was no time to waste. A partial hysterectomy was scheduled quickly. (Uterus and tubes removed, ovaries were clear.)  My body took a turn for the worst fast.

Baby Factory Closed

Due to the endometriosis, I never expected to be pregnant once, let alone twice. Three doctors told me I could not conceive naturally. After meeting my girls and seeing my youngest go through her challenges with autism, my baby factory is closed. I am at peace with that. If I ever feel a baby urge, I can visit one of my friends’ newborns.


No more late-night grocery store trips when I run out of pads. No more impossible-to-handle cramps when my girls need me. No more forgetting to stock my purse every week in case I am out when ‘Aunt Flo’ arrived.

I am here!

Because of my high-cancer risk due to a genetic disorder I have for ovarian and endometrial cancer, having the surgery reduced my risk dramatically. I am older than my mom lived. History has not repeated itself. I won’t let it. Apparently my body agrees.

I turn 40 on October 10th this year. I cannot think of a better birthday gift than being alive for my family and me.

7 thoughts on “5 Reasons why having a Hysterectomy was a Good Thing

  1. are you going to do an alternative semi-clinical posts on how your life is a different after a hysterectomy? im not sure if you have to go on hormone replacement or not sure. i know someone with endometriosis, im glad there’s hope of having children naturally!

  2. amazing woman! i also was told at 18 i had endometriosis and was told i would not have any kids. 2 kids later i proved that nurse wrong. You have come a long way amen to your decision! Enjoy your new found period free freedom!

  3. Surgery always sucks but the return of investment in this case is totally worth it. I am happy for you. I hope this gives you health and peace. I had a hysterectomy many years ago now – I was young. I don’t miss the heavy endometriosus periods that’s for sure.

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