Compassion and Autism: Uniquely My Kids


I am leaning over my six-year-olds toes to paint them a bright purple. We just got back from the mall on a special mom and daughter date, from where we bought the nail color. Her fingernails are adorned with the gorgeous color. I am almost finished her left foot when the door to my bedroom is pushed open with a bang.

In marches her four-year-old sister, sits down next to her sister and sticks out her hands. The simple gesture makes my heart burst. This is such a ‘regular’ moment of a younger sister wanting to be like her big sister. For my youngest it is huge. She was diagnosed with autism over a year ago. Her delays have kept her behind on ‘regular’ kid stuff for a long time. Until now.

I apologize to my six-year-old that our date was interrupted. My hubby is nearby, ready to see where this goes. My beautiful date says it is okay and tells her sister to hold still. Everyday, my girls delightfully surprise me with their compassion for each other and uniqueness of their own individual selves. I proceed to paint her nails too as my hubby snaps this special picture.

Their nails dry fast and we go downstairs for a special treat of a Kinder Egg. I do not know when the next unique moment will be. Autism keeps us guessing. I am so grateful to be here to see each one.

With spring in full swing and summer fast-approaching, Kinder Canada is very excited to help you get to know the new egg in town – Kinder® Surprise® Pink, with over 30 new playful toys inside. They have added a brand-new section showcasing some of the new toys in the Toy Gallery on Facebook, where you can browse the new collection and vote for your favorites.

Kinder Eggs

To celebrate the launch of Kinder® Surprise® Pink, Kinder Canada will hosting an exclusive Facebook contest. Starting May 29th, for three weeks, you will be able to participate simply by becoming a friend of Kinder Canada and telling Kinder Canada what makes their child so unique! YOU could be lucky enough to scoop up one of three $250 VISA gift cards! Contest will be live from May 29 to June 19.

Disclosure: I’m part of the KINDER® Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

One thought on “Compassion and Autism: Uniquely My Kids

  1. So adorable! I can’t imagine what it must be like to feel that you are missing out on those moments with your younger daughter, at the same time how special when a moment like that happens! And of course I absolutely love that this bonding happened over pink nail polish:)

    Pink Chai Style

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